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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Last Saturday...

This is the last Saturday of August 2016.  It's also the last 1 for my year.  The following Saturday I'll be a year older.  If you look back at my previous posts on this topic, I'm not a fan of my birthday.  There are a lot of reasons, if you want look at the blog tag, holidays. to the left.  At best, I'm indifferent to the day.  I don't remember the last time I was excited about it.  

There isn't much going on today.  The morning was rough & tiring for me.  Mostly due to cat drama.  1 of the older cats needs kitty Depends.  I just don't want to clean her up afterwards.

I've been really tired & scattered lately.  I wish the cats would take a few morning off from their literal crap.  I'm not a morning person & foul mornings really mess with the rest of my day.

That's it for this last Saturday of August.


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