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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

PrEP'er Hate...

A bunch of entitled British asshats pitched a fit when the UK's NHS wouldn't pay for PrEP.   Instead just using condoms, which BTW also protect against a host of other illnesses, they took the health service to court.  Unfortunately, they won & NHS might have to pay for the drug,  Good news for Gilead, not so great for others.

These spoiled cretins never considered that maybe the NHS wasn't making a judgement call on their lifestyles, as much as the service just doesn't have the funds.    This article detail more of the response & NHS's plans to appeal.

In order for these people to avoid using condoms & get their precious PrEP, other things will have to be cut.  Other services for people who actually need them now, more meds for those dependent on them will have to limited.  All so these people can have the convenience of not using a condom.  

I hope they all contract every other STD there is.


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