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Sunday, August 14, 2016

August Sunday...

It's strange but today is a little cool.  We're in the 70's & aren't supposed to get out of them today.  It rained quite a bit the last 2 days & the temps took a dive.  It won't last forever, but it seems to have driven out the extreme heat of Summer, hopefully for the duration.  The remaining August forecast  doesn't even show any 90's.  I bet they show up, but for now, Yay!

I thought this was going to be a normal Oklahoma Summer, dry.  That didn't happen.   It's been drier than the last couple of  Summer's but by no means dry.   There's still green grass & bugs out there.  Still, this weather is easier to sleep in & less taxing on the AC.

Hope you're getting a nice weekend.


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