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Monday, August 15, 2016

Failure In Success & Other Issues...

I've talked about this before.  A while back, before the major recessions & economic depressions hit the world, there was a plan.  A  plan on how to stop transmission of HIV by 2030.  It was a lofty goal,  most likely a pipe-dream, but still it was a plan.  No one else seemed to be offering up anything. 

It was going well until  2 things.  The economy plunged & took a lot of donor government monies with it.  But mostly, the plan seemed to be working.  People were getting a grip on HIV & the virus' transmission. 

The problem there was people began to think they'd won & stopped trying as much to push the fight forward.  The donors began to think that the HIV fight didn't need the money as much as some other things did.  Due to the apparent success in dealing with HIV, people moved on to new windmills to tilt at.

Due to these 2 issues, the fight to stop transmissions by 2030 isn't even a pipe dream now.  The battle against HIV has been losing billions of dollars annually for years.  The hemorrhaging of funds has gutted the potential for this fight.

Now instead of refocusing those funds into things like education, prevention & testing, they're getting spent on things like PReP.   Unless people get their heads back in the game, this is a lost cause.


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