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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Repeat Topics...

Too often I see articles discussing stigma.  I saw 2 today.  They told how stigma is killing people or at least limiting their chances for survival.   Those that slander people with HIV, those "good" people, where's their charity, compassion, understanding?  Hell, most of us would just settle for their indifference as long as they kept their mouths shut.

It's so funny how many of those "good" people eventually find themselves on the other side of the fence & look for someone to blame.  They only topped, so they aren't gay.  He only slept with women when he cheated, so it couldn't have been him that infected his wife.  She only shared drugs with her friends, she's sure they're safe.

These "good" people with their precious morals push everything down.  They attack what they disagree with.  They make it very difficult & sometimes impossible for people to come forward with whatever happens to being going on with them.

People living with HIV get judged constantly.  Their families, friends, employers, colleagues, neighbors all have to have their bit to add to the pile.   Sometimes it just isn't worth it to come forward.  Sometimes it's just too much.    Stigma & these people are just as deadly as any virus.

My wish to all  you "good" people is that what you deride most come galumphing into your life.


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