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Monday, August 22, 2016

Announcing Status...

I don't usually push shows or podcasts, but my roomie is a fan of Welcome To Night Vale.   That link is to it's Wiki page.  It gives some show info & a link to the official page.   Cecil Baldwin is the main voice of the show.  He's on Facebook & Twitter if you'd like to follow him.   This article details why I'm bringing this up.    You can also find this on Seriously TV's Facebook page.   As well as Youtube.  
The article & video go into why Cecil has come forward with his HIV status.  He shares some of his experiences & his reasoning.  While most people praised his coming forward, a few had to be asshats & accuse him of celebrating HIV.  A ridiculous statement, most likely made by bitter people needing attention.

Coming forward with your status is never easy or necessarily safe.  There are places in this world where this man will no longer be allowed.  There are many who will no longer listen to his show.  Some will see this is a PR stunt, but he took some risk announcing this. 

I'm glad Mr. Baldwin came forward.  Ir will help others.  It might even help him. But, everyone needs to remember, he didn't owe anyone a coming out about his status.  Still, it does push awareness & that is always a good thing when dealing with HIV.


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