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Thursday, May 8, 2014


Since the beginning of the week, I've felt off.  I'd taken my roomie in for some medical stuff & noticed it the next day.  It could've been stress or something I'm allergic too, but I noticed hives on my right, index finger.    I put some hydrcortisone on it & went on my way.

Yesterday I was tired & had a seriously sore throat.  I started gargling with salt water & proceeded through my day.  By evening I was tired, my throat was still sore & my nose was dripping.  By now, I'm wondering what's up with my sinuses?  I took something for the nasal drip & went to bed.

I woke up feeling like hell.  My head was pounding & I was seriously dehydrated.   I took my meds, some ibuprofen & down a bottle water, 2 large teas & a Sprite-esque soda.   I've been drinking more & took a shower, but I still feel parched & headachey.  

Hopefully this will pass soon.  It's raining now, maybe the change in pressure will help.  We'll see.


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