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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Yesterday & Today...

My roomie's appointments were a mixed bag.   Earlier she had 1 that took hours longer than it should have.   This should've been an in & out kind of thing, but no we were there for over 2 hours.  It was ridiculous.   

The 2nd appointment, the 1 that shoud've have taken longer, was actually a very quick event.    We were there little time & she even showed up to the appointment early.   We were happy to finally get to head home.

The day was tiring & stressful.  The 1st part failed to be as productive as it should've been.  Especially when you consider how long we were there.

This morning was  my telemedicine appointment.  I didn't recognize anyone at all.  The whole process was different & not particularly better.  We didn't meet in the bus & they were missing half their equipment.  It was a bit of a mess.   At least my labs were good & I don't have to deal with this for another 6 months.

Right now, some things are still up in the air regarding my roomie's situation.  Hopefully, this will be resolved soon.   The waiting is tiring & annoying.


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