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Monday, May 26, 2014

More Settled..

My roomie's medical schedule is getting set.  We'll be going up Thursday to Tulsa.   Yippie for that trip.  

Her new doctor called today.  A doctor actually called someone directly, not a nurse or assistant.  Just wow.  He talked to her for over 30 minutes getting preliminary info.  He'll get more when we get there.  I've never had a doctor call me.  Hell, I've never had 1 talk to me anywhere near half an hour.  At most it's 10 minutes & then only when it's fairly serious.  Most of the time it's, "Hy, Bye, until next time."  

I'm not sure how the rest of this will go, but that was impressive.  Once we're at his office, they'll more fully develop the plan about what will happen & when.  I have to say, his call put things in a very different light.  


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