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Monday, May 19, 2014

Not Much...

I was planning on writing a more thorough post today.  That didn't happen.  Most the articles I've read this morning dealt with subjects I've covered repeatedly, like Truvada.  

This morning went better.  I didn't wake up exhausted & only coughed a little.  We went shopping & everything went smoothly.  There was actually no drama at Walmart, amazing.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.  We'll head out early for my roomie's appointments.  There are a couple throughout the day.  I also have some errands to run while we're out.  

Afterwards we'll head home & prepare for whatever comes next for her medical stuff.  Wednesday is my appointment with my specialist.  I have no idea what the schedule is like past that.

I hope we can get this mostly wrapped up by the early part on Summer.  All this driving in the Summer heat will be a beast.    It'll get done if it needs to be though.

That's all for now.


PS.  On an odd note, this is post 1234

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