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Friday, May 9, 2014

Still Yucky...

I'm still not doing that well.  This morning was no fun.  I went shopping, because it needed to be done.   When I went to check out, I didn't have my wallet.   Lucky me,  I got to drive back across town & then go back to the hell known as Walmart to get my groceries.

My feeling like crap got compounded with frustration.  I hate being sick.  I hate Walmart.  Right now, I just have a whole lot of disgust with a lot of things going on.  Like the idiots next door using a chain saw.  If I'm lucky, there'll be an accident.

What am I saying.  If there's an accident, there'll screaming & ambulance sirens.  Nix, the fabulous, chainsaw accident.

Here's hoping this crap is out my system tomorrow.


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