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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mid May Saturday...

I'm very happy that neither my roomie or I have anything to do outside the house today.  We've both been on the go more than we're used to & it's wearing us out.  We've both been dealing with colds & all this running around is just compounding the issue.  

We have things to do this week.  I have a specialist appointment & she has followups from her stuff earlier this month.  From there, she'll learn what comes next.  

I'm hoping they can make whatever is needed be concise.  All this running about is not good for us.  We'll do what we have to, I just want it to be done with as little travel as possible.  We could both use that.

I've been sleeping alright, but I'm still tired from this cold.  The cough is subsiding a little, except in the mornings.    Maybe later this week, it'll be gone.


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