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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday & Ouch...

I'm not sure if I hurt my foot or if I'm having a minor gout flare up.  Whatever it was, my foot was not a happy camper this morning.   I"m hoping it'll pass.  I don't need a full flare up right now, or for that matter, ever.

We're going through some big weather shifts.  We supposed to get some rain.  We need it as long as it's not too much of a storm.  Right now, I'm in the only non-drought part of the state.  That won't last once Summer gets underway.

It looks like I'll be the 1 driving my roomie to Tulsa.  It's doable. It'll be a long trip for us, but it has to be done.   We'll have less days of running around than last week.  But the trip we'll be taking, will make up for that.  

Have a great weekend everyone.


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