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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Drug Resistance...

This article talks about how children born with HIV are more apt to develop resistance to HIV meds than others.  This drug resistance is usually partial but can be in rare cases be complete.   At that point, there are few if any medical options for the person & death from HIV related issues is likely.

HIV resistance can happen for whatever reason.  It mostly happens in people who have been irregular in their medical regimens.  Besides health problems & possible death of the person, if a  person contracts HIV that is already resistant, then there are fewer options for that person to begin with.  

There may  be an abundance of discussion about HIV meds, but there are a finite number of types and actual formulations.    Even though, there are more than there were a decade ago, a person could still become resistant to all of them over time, if the right circumstances played out.

Drug resistant is incredibly dangerous, whether it's HIV, measles or the common flu.  Any drug resistant virus, microbe or bacteria could pose a phenomenal  health threat.  Medications should be used properly & consistently.   They should not be freely prescribed to the point of allowing the target to become resistant to them.  

An interesting article.


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