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Friday, May 23, 2014

Truvada Revolution...

This med just won't stay out of the news.  It's the condom replacement drug   The 1 that's supposed to lower your chances of contracting HIV, except when it doesn't.  All things, including Truvada have a failure rate.  

Let's not talk about the cost of Truvada, which for wide spread, nigh global use, could be past the billions.    Let's not consider the unlikelihood most people will stick with the drug regimen well enough to insure it's efficacy. Let's not even speak of the stigma to what's being referred to as being a Truvada Whore.

Let's consider the times when for whatever reason this regimen fails to act as a prophylactic for the individual.   The times when it will fail & those people who will contract HIV.  Let's talk about how easily HIV mutates after exposure to medications.  

What happens when a person contracts HIV this way?  What happens when people are unknowingly transmitting HIV that has mutated after exposure to Truvada?   Could this render this medication impotent?  Could this impact other antiretroviral medications?   How far spread would it be, before someone caught on to what was happening?  

This drive to spend a global fortune for the world to have a more convenient way to maybe not spread HIV could very well lead to a far worse situation.   So far, most the benefit will be go solely to Gilead, the makers of Truvada.   By the time this things fails, if it does, they could've made billions.   When someone finally, notices the failure, it could be too late.

Using this drug as a replacement for a condom is stupid & dangerous.  Not only on an individual level, but to such a point it could eventually impact us all.  But so long as the corporations makes $ & the people don't have to wear condoms for while, who cares?  At least, that's sentiment that seems to surround this issue.


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