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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Off Again & Something About BC...

We're going to another appointment today.  So, this will be brief.  Hopefully, the drive & appointment will go well.

Was reading an article today.  British Columbia will be the 1st part of Canada to push for routine HIV testing in adults.  A lot of people have been standoffish about making HIV tests part of regularly scheduled healthcare.  Unless your celibate, have no interaction with needles or blood, you should be getting tested.  You never know what you've been exposed to.

Too often it's late in the game when people find out they're +.  By then, a lot of people could've passed through their lives.  They have no idea how they contracted HIV.  Normalizing the test & making it routine, could limit how long a person is + before they know it & can start receiving care.  It gives them the ability to actively ensure they don't transmit the illness to anyone else.

It's a good read.


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