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Friday, May 2, 2014

Tired, But Still Going...

The beginning of this month is off to a bang.  We're still dealing with a lot of stuff from last month & probably will be for a good while.   I was gone a good part of yesterday & already spent when I was home.  

Unfortunately, this is the beginning of the month & things have to be handled.  During all this ongoing stuff with my roomie, we still have to handle bills & I need to get labs drawn.   We're having a moderate pile-up, but it can't be helped.   Still, it's tiresome for the both of us.  

When someone in your life is going through things, the best thing you can do is be supportive & not make it the "You" show.  This is affecting you, but it isn't about you.  If you can't handle, then you're probably going to be of little help to that other person.  

My life is being impacted by what's going on & could be much more significantly impacted, depending on the outcomes of things.   That still doesn't make this the "Me" show.  I'll do what I can to get both of us through this.  Hopefully, it's enough.

The upcoming week is errands, bills, lab work & appointments.  Doesn't that just sound like fun?  Hopefully, everyone else's life is going more smoothly.


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