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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Top 25...

This article lists the top 25 US cities with high HIV/AIDS rates.    I find this list expected & frightening.  A lot of the areas I already knew about.    Then I looked again & got a surprise.  My little, nowhere town is within  a 500 radius (+/- a little) of 6 of these cities.   

6 out of 25, that's almost a 25%.   My area is on or near some of the biggest roadways crossing the nation.   There are a lot of people from other places that pass through this region.   A lot of people probably from these top 25 cities.   Many of which probably spent some time here & contributed to the HIV levels in our area.

If these are the top 25 & I'm that near 6 of them, how many of the top 50 am I near?   This list doesn't take into account small towns & communities considered too small for these agencies to count.   Some of those little towns could have higher rates than any of these cities.  Having sex there would be like playing Russian Roulette.  

A lot of people still think they love in places too removed to be in any danger from HIV.  That was probably never the case.  People travel all the time & bring their baggage with them.   I hope this list puts things in perspective for some people.  Nowhere is safe from HIV.


Friday, May 30, 2014


I'm still tired from yesterday's trip.   It went better than we'd hoped, but it was still long.  But, that step is done & there aren't any more until mid June.  

I'm not up to blogging much.   So, I'll link to this article.  It's about how doctors in Israel are reluctant to allow or be in favor prescribing Truvada as a prophylactic medication.    They make good points & it's nice to see people in the medical community agreeing with my points, even if they aren't in my country.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We will be heading out early tomorrow morning to go to Tulsa for my roomie's appointment.  I'm not sure how long this will take.  I'm fairly sure I'll be too tired to post about much of anything tomorrow.  So this is it.

I hope everyone has a great day.  Wish us well on our drive & the appointment.


Drug Resistance...

This article talks about how children born with HIV are more apt to develop resistance to HIV meds than others.  This drug resistance is usually partial but can be in rare cases be complete.   At that point, there are few if any medical options for the person & death from HIV related issues is likely.

HIV resistance can happen for whatever reason.  It mostly happens in people who have been irregular in their medical regimens.  Besides health problems & possible death of the person, if a  person contracts HIV that is already resistant, then there are fewer options for that person to begin with.  

There may  be an abundance of discussion about HIV meds, but there are a finite number of types and actual formulations.    Even though, there are more than there were a decade ago, a person could still become resistant to all of them over time, if the right circumstances played out.

Drug resistant is incredibly dangerous, whether it's HIV, measles or the common flu.  Any drug resistant virus, microbe or bacteria could pose a phenomenal  health threat.  Medications should be used properly & consistently.   They should not be freely prescribed to the point of allowing the target to become resistant to them.  

An interesting article.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


We've been under a storm warning for days & so far not much has happened.  We're getting some heavy drizzle today.    It might got stronger later on today.

 The only things this weather is doing, is making my body ache & breathing wheezy.   Humid, warm air is not a friend of mine.   My foot is still sore & stiff.  I've been coughing a little.  

Maybe when this weather goes, it'll take my cough with it.  Hopefully, this crap won't be happening on Thursday while we're driving to Tulsa.  That won't be fun.

Not much else going on here.


Monday, May 26, 2014

More Settled..

My roomie's medical schedule is getting set.  We'll be going up Thursday to Tulsa.   Yippie for that trip.  

Her new doctor called today.  A doctor actually called someone directly, not a nurse or assistant.  Just wow.  He talked to her for over 30 minutes getting preliminary info.  He'll get more when we get there.  I've never had a doctor call me.  Hell, I've never had 1 talk to me anywhere near half an hour.  At most it's 10 minutes & then only when it's fairly serious.  Most of the time it's, "Hy, Bye, until next time."  

I'm not sure how the rest of this will go, but that was impressive.  Once we're at his office, they'll more fully develop the plan about what will happen & when.  I have to say, his call put things in a very different light.  


Sunday, May 25, 2014

After Mow...

The lawn guy came yesterday.  It was supposed to rain, it only drizzled a little.   I'm not sure what he mowed over, but it smelled horrid & drove my allergies crazy.  My breathing is still off this morning. 

I woke to a still sore foot & tight chest.  I think this humid weather is the culprit behind my foot aches.  It and the  mowing have both brought my cough back.  Thanks ever so much.

All this crap is tiring.  I just hope it gets settled before Thursday.  This will make the trip to Tulsa even less fun.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday & Ouch...

I'm not sure if I hurt my foot or if I'm having a minor gout flare up.  Whatever it was, my foot was not a happy camper this morning.   I"m hoping it'll pass.  I don't need a full flare up right now, or for that matter, ever.

We're going through some big weather shifts.  We supposed to get some rain.  We need it as long as it's not too much of a storm.  Right now, I'm in the only non-drought part of the state.  That won't last once Summer gets underway.

It looks like I'll be the 1 driving my roomie to Tulsa.  It's doable. It'll be a long trip for us, but it has to be done.   We'll have less days of running around than last week.  But the trip we'll be taking, will make up for that.  

Have a great weekend everyone.


Friday, May 23, 2014

Truvada Revolution...

This med just won't stay out of the news.  It's the condom replacement drug   The 1 that's supposed to lower your chances of contracting HIV, except when it doesn't.  All things, including Truvada have a failure rate.  

Let's not talk about the cost of Truvada, which for wide spread, nigh global use, could be past the billions.    Let's not consider the unlikelihood most people will stick with the drug regimen well enough to insure it's efficacy. Let's not even speak of the stigma to what's being referred to as being a Truvada Whore.

Let's consider the times when for whatever reason this regimen fails to act as a prophylactic for the individual.   The times when it will fail & those people who will contract HIV.  Let's talk about how easily HIV mutates after exposure to medications.  

What happens when a person contracts HIV this way?  What happens when people are unknowingly transmitting HIV that has mutated after exposure to Truvada?   Could this render this medication impotent?  Could this impact other antiretroviral medications?   How far spread would it be, before someone caught on to what was happening?  

This drive to spend a global fortune for the world to have a more convenient way to maybe not spread HIV could very well lead to a far worse situation.   So far, most the benefit will be go solely to Gilead, the makers of Truvada.   By the time this things fails, if it does, they could've made billions.   When someone finally, notices the failure, it could be too late.

Using this drug as a replacement for a condom is stupid & dangerous.  Not only on an individual level, but to such a point it could eventually impact us all.  But so long as the corporations makes $ & the people don't have to wear condoms for while, who cares?  At least, that's sentiment that seems to surround this issue.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Next Step Known...

Well at least partially known.   My roomie has an appointment next Thursday for her medical stuff.   Problem is, it's in Tulsa.  This is a be a trip we've tried to avoid in the past.   That isn't going to happen.   We have no idea how many trips this will incur.  I might not be driving the 1st round up there.  We still don't know for sure.

The weather is warming up & the humidity is raising right along with it.  My cough is lingering.  Maybe a week will be enough to finally get rid of it before the trip to Tulsa.  

It's been a while since I've driven that far.  I can do it, but it'll be tiring & we both know it.   So much for not getting much drama in 2014.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Yesterday & Today...

My roomie's appointments were a mixed bag.   Earlier she had 1 that took hours longer than it should have.   This should've been an in & out kind of thing, but no we were there for over 2 hours.  It was ridiculous.   

The 2nd appointment, the 1 that shoud've have taken longer, was actually a very quick event.    We were there little time & she even showed up to the appointment early.   We were happy to finally get to head home.

The day was tiring & stressful.  The 1st part failed to be as productive as it should've been.  Especially when you consider how long we were there.

This morning was  my telemedicine appointment.  I didn't recognize anyone at all.  The whole process was different & not particularly better.  We didn't meet in the bus & they were missing half their equipment.  It was a bit of a mess.   At least my labs were good & I don't have to deal with this for another 6 months.

Right now, some things are still up in the air regarding my roomie's situation.  Hopefully, this will be resolved soon.   The waiting is tiring & annoying.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Early Morning...

We have to be out of here in just a little while, so  this will be brief.  My roomie has 2 appointments spread out over a few hours today.   I have no idea how long this will actually take.   I'm not certain as to the follow up for either appointment either.    Right now, I just don't have a  lot to offer.

The appointments are in Fort Smith, so we'll be leaving shortly.  I hope these go well.  My roomie doesn't need any added stress.

Have a great day.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Not Much...

I was planning on writing a more thorough post today.  That didn't happen.  Most the articles I've read this morning dealt with subjects I've covered repeatedly, like Truvada.  

This morning went better.  I didn't wake up exhausted & only coughed a little.  We went shopping & everything went smoothly.  There was actually no drama at Walmart, amazing.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.  We'll head out early for my roomie's appointments.  There are a couple throughout the day.  I also have some errands to run while we're out.  

Afterwards we'll head home & prepare for whatever comes next for her medical stuff.  Wednesday is my appointment with my specialist.  I have no idea what the schedule is like past that.

I hope we can get this mostly wrapped up by the early part on Summer.  All this driving in the Summer heat will be a beast.    It'll get done if it needs to be though.

That's all for now.


PS.  On an odd note, this is post 1234

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wiped Out...

I went to bed really early last night.  I was exhausted.  I slept through the night, but I'm still sort drained.  This whole month so far has been taxing.  My energy isn't near what it should be.

I made it through cooking dinner & watching a movie & that was about it last night.   I'm not feeling too bad today.   I'm still coughing, but not as badly.    I've used more cough drops this year than have in ages.  

Tomorrow will get us back on schedule for shopping. Then Tuesday, my roomie has 2 appointments throughout the day.  Wednesday morning I meet with my specialist.   So far, there's nothing booked past that.  We'll know more after Tuesday.

Here's hoping everyone has a good week.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mid May Saturday...

I'm very happy that neither my roomie or I have anything to do outside the house today.  We've both been on the go more than we're used to & it's wearing us out.  We've both been dealing with colds & all this running around is just compounding the issue.  

We have things to do this week.  I have a specialist appointment & she has followups from her stuff earlier this month.  From there, she'll learn what comes next.  

I'm hoping they can make whatever is needed be concise.  All this running about is not good for us.  We'll do what we have to, I just want it to be done with as little travel as possible.  We could both use that.

I've been sleeping alright, but I'm still tired from this cold.  The cough is subsiding a little, except in the mornings.    Maybe later this week, it'll be gone.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Sore Chest...

My chest & sides are sore from all the coughing.  It seems to be settling down some.  I got cough syrup yesterday.  I hope it helps.

I'm heading out to see Godzilla.  I've been pretty good about not coughing mid afternoon.  Maybe that'll hold true.

I'll write more tomorrow.  Maybe I'll be past this cough & will have met my kaiju quota for a while.  


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Still Coughing...

I tried looking at articles this morning & mostly found rehash & things I just wasn't interested in talking about.  That's probably for the better.  With all the coughing I'm doing, typing's being a pain.    I've already corrected a dozen typos, because my hands keep jumping off key when I cough.

I've got somethings to do today.  Then I have to run over & pick up my roomie.  Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow.  I really want to see Godzilla.  

We've got more appointments this upcoming week.   She's got 2 & I've got 1.    I got my blood-work back & from what I can tell, it looks good.  


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Not a great morning here.  My net is impersonating a snail, when it isn't blipping out altogether.  It's probably due to the weather, but still it's very annoying.

I thought I was past this ailment of mine.  Apparently, I needed a refresher.  The cough has returned.  Not a deep cough like before, but a shallow annoying 1.

Yesterday went well for my roomie. I'm glad for her.  Still, all this has left me tired,  


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Off Again & Something About BC...

We're going to another appointment today.  So, this will be brief.  Hopefully, the drive & appointment will go well.

Was reading an article today.  British Columbia will be the 1st part of Canada to push for routine HIV testing in adults.  A lot of people have been standoffish about making HIV tests part of regularly scheduled healthcare.  Unless your celibate, have no interaction with needles or blood, you should be getting tested.  You never know what you've been exposed to.

Too often it's late in the game when people find out they're +.  By then, a lot of people could've passed through their lives.  They have no idea how they contracted HIV.  Normalizing the test & making it routine, could limit how long a person is + before they know it & can start receiving care.  It gives them the ability to actively ensure they don't transmit the illness to anyone else.

It's a good read.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Another Busy Week...

My roomie has blogged about her medical issues some, now I feel a little more  free to be open on things.  Last Monday, she was supposed to have an out-patient procedure performed.  HA!.  That turned into an overnight thing.   It's part of the process of her ongoing medical journey.  She's not done yet.

I've had to handle shopping by myself the last couple of visits.  It wasn't much of a deal. It wouldn't have been any at all, if I hadn't been ill.  Today started with solo shopping at Walmart, so fun.

There are medical appointments & errands throughout the week.  These will probably keep me busy.  Then next week there are more errands & doctor appointments for the both of us.  I have to go see my specialist.  At least, they're local again.

I'm tired & a little scattered, so this is it for now.  Hope everyone has a great week.


Sunday, May 11, 2014


It's weird for us, but we're having company today.  I'm not exactly sure when or for how long.   I'll just jot this down, so I did something today.

My roomie's uncle is coming over.  He's from out of state & doesn't get here often.   It'll be nice for her to see him.   I'm not sure what the plans are past that.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Personal Health Patterns...

It's important to be aware of health patterns, especially if you're +.   I'm going through 1 right now.  I hate it, but it almost always holds true.

If I get a head-cold or too severe of an allergy reaction, it'll progress.  It will leave my upper head to go visit my eyes & lower sinuses & ears.    From there, it will venture to my throat, where it plays havoc.  Finally, it will wind up in my chest.  By this point I'm tired, feverish, sore from sneezing & fed up with being sick.  

Too bad.  Now I get to deal with hacking coughs while my body tries to expel whatever irritated it.   Soon, I'll be even more sore than I was from the sneezing.  Coughing pain always trumps sneezing soreness.  If I'm lucky, this will be out of my system soon.

This is a pattern I know.  It's important to aware of these patterns.  If this veers off course from the pattern, I know I'm dealing with something different & probably need to go to the doctor.   It saves me from getting stressed out over something I'm familiar with already.  The last thing I need now is more stress.

What are your health patterns?  Do you know?  


Friday, May 9, 2014

Still Yucky...

I'm still not doing that well.  This morning was no fun.  I went shopping, because it needed to be done.   When I went to check out, I didn't have my wallet.   Lucky me,  I got to drive back across town & then go back to the hell known as Walmart to get my groceries.

My feeling like crap got compounded with frustration.  I hate being sick.  I hate Walmart.  Right now, I just have a whole lot of disgust with a lot of things going on.  Like the idiots next door using a chain saw.  If I'm lucky, there'll be an accident.

What am I saying.  If there's an accident, there'll screaming & ambulance sirens.  Nix, the fabulous, chainsaw accident.

Here's hoping this crap is out my system tomorrow.


Thursday, May 8, 2014


Since the beginning of the week, I've felt off.  I'd taken my roomie in for some medical stuff & noticed it the next day.  It could've been stress or something I'm allergic too, but I noticed hives on my right, index finger.    I put some hydrcortisone on it & went on my way.

Yesterday I was tired & had a seriously sore throat.  I started gargling with salt water & proceeded through my day.  By evening I was tired, my throat was still sore & my nose was dripping.  By now, I'm wondering what's up with my sinuses?  I took something for the nasal drip & went to bed.

I woke up feeling like hell.  My head was pounding & I was seriously dehydrated.   I took my meds, some ibuprofen & down a bottle water, 2 large teas & a Sprite-esque soda.   I've been drinking more & took a shower, but I still feel parched & headachey.  

Hopefully this will pass soon.  It's raining now, maybe the change in pressure will help.  We'll see.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

OK, That Was Unexpected...

This article is something you're going to have to read for yourself.   It's states there is a chemical structure in soy sauce that can aid in the fight against HIV.   I'm not joking.

Yamasa Soy has been researching a flavor enhancer present in their condiment in regards to medical application.   It seems, 1 component, EFdA is 70X more potent than Tenofovir.   It also has other qualities that are making a good fit.

Yamasa & Merck are now in joint research.   This is odd & incredible.  A condiment's flavoring agent could be 1 of our next big guns in the war against HIV.    There might even be hope for MSG.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Tomorrow Is Out As Well...

My roomie's medical stuff ran way into the night & it isn't over yet.  I'll be out a lot tomorrow as well.  What time I'm home. I'll be dealing with house stuff, cats & dealing with the lawn guy.  Wish us well, especially my roomie.


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Preemptive Post II...

My roomie has another appointment tomorrow.  I have no idea how long this will take.  At least it's not requiring me to be up at 4:30 AM.  I'll post this today & maybe we'll know more tomorrow.  So far, we aren't sure when this will wrap up.  Best wishes to all, especially us...


90 F...

Well, Spring is certainly here.  We our in the 90's today.    This will be our 1st seriously warm day, even though it was still a little chilly this morning.   We have a crawlspace  & the air hasn't warmed the underside of it yet, so the floors are still cool.  

The allergens are up & yards are getting mowed.  Just not ours.  The lawn guy called Wednesday, but he's still a no show so far.  Oh well, he'll get here when he gets here.  At least he's cheap.

I got some pretty good sleep last night.  Major perk for me there.  I'd been draggy for a few days prior.   

The 1st weekend of May is over & we're well into the warm part of the year.    Soon the pests will be out: fleas, flies, kids...  I hope everyone has a good Springtime.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Routine Off...

We just got back in a little while ago.  Shopping got pushed back a day & this time it was a big trip.  I probably won't get back until next week Friday.  I really hate shopping on Saturdays.  All those extra people who are normally at work.  Those people with children that have no idea how to corral their kids.  It was not a pleasant time this morning.

I'm still off my game.  I'm tired & my allergies are being difficult.   The next appointment is Monday & it's going to be an all day affair.   It will be tiring, but there's no avoiding that.

If we are lucky, this will all settle down soon.  I know she'd like that more than I would/  It sucks when your plans are being dictated by other people & things beyond your control.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Tired, But Still Going...

The beginning of this month is off to a bang.  We're still dealing with a lot of stuff from last month & probably will be for a good while.   I was gone a good part of yesterday & already spent when I was home.  

Unfortunately, this is the beginning of the month & things have to be handled.  During all this ongoing stuff with my roomie, we still have to handle bills & I need to get labs drawn.   We're having a moderate pile-up, but it can't be helped.   Still, it's tiresome for the both of us.  

When someone in your life is going through things, the best thing you can do is be supportive & not make it the "You" show.  This is affecting you, but it isn't about you.  If you can't handle, then you're probably going to be of little help to that other person.  

My life is being impacted by what's going on & could be much more significantly impacted, depending on the outcomes of things.   That still doesn't make this the "Me" show.  I'll do what I can to get both of us through this.  Hopefully, it's enough.

The upcoming week is errands, bills, lab work & appointments.  Doesn't that just sound like fun?  Hopefully, everyone else's life is going more smoothly.
