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Friday, October 5, 2012

Yesterday's Goof...

Yesterday I blogged about my 1st yard work of the season.  It didn't go well.  I had shaky arms for an hour afterwards.  The goof here was that it was my own doing.  It wasn't just that I did the yard work, but that I did it without the right gloves.  

I had on my typical gardening gloves.  Normally, those are enough for doing things in the yard, but not weed-eating.  I have a pair of shock absorbing gloves that I should've wore & didn't even think about them until this morning.  I did more yard work & weed-eating today with the right gloves & have very little shaking in my hands.  

The point is that my shaky arms were my own fault.  I should've remembered I needed the other gloves.  I failed to employ a basic work philosophy, "The right tool for the right job."  The gloves I wore yesterday were not the right ones & I paid for it.    If I had stopped & thought about it a little more, maybe I might've used the right gloves.  

Today, I took my time & remembered the right gloves.  I did the work & I am sitting here with no shakes or aches.   A lot of what happens to us in our lives boils down to bad choices we made.  We get in a rush.  We don't stop to think the matter through.  In the end a lot of the unwanted in our lives is their because of our own doing.


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