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Monday, October 22, 2012

Deeper Sleep...

It was warmer yesterday & we had to open the windows & turn on some fans.  The light lull of my fan & the cooler temps made me sleep much deeper than I had in a while.  That's something people overlook when trying to lose weight or just stay healthy.   A good night's sleep can have more impact than a workout.  

I'm not giving up on my exercise, but I am making some allowances.  There's only so much time in the day & I won't rush to get things do if I can help it.  If it means something has to be skipped, limited or postponed,  so be it.  

I woke up this morning & for the 1st time, I realized how tired I'd been the past few days.  I was trying to get up when the light was weird, I was trying to get all my morning stuff done & exercise & whatever else might pop-up.  This morning, I said enough at least for today.  I did a light version of my morning stretches, went shopping & I've done the dishes.  

That's all I'm doing today. I'm taking today to just relax & recharge.  I don't think enough of us make a conscious decision to just stop.  If we do stop, then we feel bad that we didn't do more.  Today is about recharging & destressing.  My other chores & more exercise will still be there tomorrow.  So, now I have to catch up on some recorded TV & then I'll just surf.


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