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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I've talked about my decision to alter my schedule so it doesn't leave me running all day.  Somehow, Wednesday mornings always wind up being crammed full.   I was trying to get my regular stuff done, the things that needed to be done on that day finished & exercising.  I was trying to cram way too much stuff in far too little time.  It was rushing me.  I hate being rushed.

I was left feeling tired & irritated.  I wasn't happy that I hadn't gotten everything done that I'd wanted to.  Finally, I accepted there wasn't enough time to accommodate everything & something had to give.   I let Wednesday mornings become a stretch only morning without any further exercise.  

I only did stretches this morning.  I got through the rest of my morning things & got breakfast around.  I managed to gather trash & take it to the curb.  I did all this & I didn't feel hurried or frantic.  I managed to get some steps in later in the morning, almost noon.  

I still managed to get through what I need to do.  I just prioritized for the day.  I have to say giving my self permission not to exercise on Wednesday mornings has greatly improved this day.  I am not ragged or tense.  I did get some exercise in before noon.  I'm very happy with this decision.  What does it matter if I get my morning regimen in, if I'm left stressed, tired & anxious for the rest of the day?  This is a better approach for me.  Sometimes you have to reexamine things & restructure them.


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