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Sunday, October 21, 2012


Halloween is just 10 days away.  That leaves only 64 days til Christmas.  I'm not promoting the holidays here, I'm making a point of the season.  That's not mentioning Thanksgiving, Elections or other significant days on the horizon.  This is the time of year when people get tense & fractious, so why not do a little to ease the stress.  Let's try these, shall we: 

  • Don't pick
  • Let it go 
  • Choose your battles
  • Say the appropriate niceties
  • Acknowledge
  • Apologize
During this pre-holiday & electoral season, try ( I mean it, really try) not to show your ass.  Don't pick fights just because some one disagrees with your politics or you're bored.  If someone's being trying, then just let it go, it or they are probably not that important anyway.  If you must war, choose your battles wisely.  Only skirmish over things significant worth, not just because you're cranky or the other person is being an ass.  Take the time to say the appropriate niceties, like thank you & you're welcome.  Acknowledge people.  This can mean complimenting something they've done or simply holding the door open for them.  Finally, if you're at fault or wrong, just apologize.

This won't eliminate all your seasonal stress, but it certainly can't hurt.  For someone who is chronically ill, these things can make a huge difference.  I might not always follow my own advice, but I probably should, especially that let go part.


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