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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Disease Free...

A lot of hookup sites have people who pitch themselves as disease-free.  According to this article, they may have to start proving it.  According to some clinical studies, people who were interested in the at home HIV tests, were interested in using them on would-be sex partners, as well as themselves.

I can imagine the shock if someone got a partner home & said OK I'll need about 30 minutes for you to take the test & the results to show.   Getting ready to hop into bed with someone is not the place you want to find out that you're +.   I get wanting to use every available means to be safe, but this is dubious.  

Any test can screw up.  What if the person you brought home does turn out to be +?  What if you do turn out to be + & your would be tryst partner is a blabber mouth?   So, if the test says the person is negative will you still use a condom?  Or will you risk the possibility the test was wrong or the person has another STD?

I don't support at-home testing for reasons I've already detailed in this blog.  I really detest the idea of would be F-buddies suddenly becoming lab techs.  This is just inappropriate.  I'm sure a lot of people will see it as being just fine & a literal godsend, but I see as a potential disaster in the making.    I haven't supported OraQuick for personal use & I won't support it for this.


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