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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Left Alone...

Recently there have been reports of HIV transmission rates in Australia increasing.  Like many countries  they've been fighting the virus since the 1980's.  They thought they were getting a grip on transmission rates a decade ago & they had plateaued 5 years ago.  They were incorrect, the numbers of new cases has increased.  They're looking into earlier treatment options now.  

What I took away from this article, is that every weapon that can be used in the war on HIV is of vast importance & should all be used in concert.  From education, testing & treatment, no one is more valuable than the other.  Most of all, health professionals can't be allowed to become lax.  There has to be a constant push to be aware of HIV & how it's transmitted.  There has to be a nonstop drive for people to get tested frequently.  Then there is an utter necessity to treat these people as early as possible. 

Without any of those 3 things, this battle against AIDS will not go as we've hoped.  We will lose this war if we can't manage to provide education, testing & treatment.  I really don't understand why that is so hard to understand.  


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