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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rough Night...

I took my roomie to a party last night & went to see the movie Looper.  That initial part went alright.  The movie was OK.  Then the ride home began & things went downhill.  We drove into a hard rainstorm.  It took forever to make it home due to the downpour obscuring the road.  To add to that, the battery light in the van kept coming on.  We stopped a couple of times & the light was out when we restarted the care, but it came back on again later.  The van's electronic system hates the wet stuff. It always gets freaky in moist weather.

We made it home earlier than I expected, but it was still late.  I looked at some stuff & went to bed.  I was tired from the rough drive.  My legs are still stiff.  About 4:30 AM, there was a loud commotion out on the porch.  Thinking I might see a skunk, possum or even a person, I peeked out the shade & flicked on the light.  I saw nothing.  When I stepped out, there was a snapping pitbull, one of my "lovely" neighbors dogs. 

It had wrecked everything on the porch.  I called the police & they came shortly.  I had to retell my encounter to them.  I have no idea what happened to the dog.  Afterwards my cats began acting up & I had a coughing fit.  It took me almost an hour to get back to sleep.  I was not happy when it was time to wake up.  My energy is spent & I didn't find any good articles.  I'll write more tomorrow.


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