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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September Exercise Woes...

It seems I'm still paying dues for exercise I did last month.  1st, I got sidetracked by a foot issue.  Which led to me overcompensating & making the other foot sore.  When, that healed up, my allergies kicked in hard, making it hard to breath while I was doing my steps.  But I got back into it.  It seems somewhere down the line, my lunges, reverse ones or something else strained an abdominal muscle.  It's fine most the time.  But if I lean this way & reach with my arm another, then wow, that hurts.  It's better today, but it's hard to exercise & not stimulate your abs.  Maybe tomorrow will be better & I can get back into the swing of things again.  


PS:  Sneezes & ab issues are not a good combination.

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