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Friday, October 26, 2012

As Planned, No...

The adage, "Nothing ever goes as plans," holds true in my life.  My roomie & I are trying to lose weight & I  noted some time back weight loss was a weird process.  I wasn't losing the way I thought I would.  The process has been irregular, uneven & even lop-sided.  You're body loses the inches like ice cubes melt.  The thinner ice goes first.  The ice with the most friction or light then goes.  The last to go is the thickest, least affected part of the cube.  Finally, though, it does melt away.

The saga of weight loss makes you notice the little things.  The strange lines developing on your feet.  The fact you fingers look different.  Where the hell did those cheek bones come from?  Those type of things. Those little points of change are what you can focus on to keep going.

Little things are important.  I read a blog post today.  I was about a small collection of personal items & knick-knacks this woman had.  There were only a few items in the picture, a small bird, a key, a monocle & some rings.  Nothing was of much monetary value, but of huge sentimental value to her.  She expressed this in such a way, I'm sure every time she looks at them, they give her joy.  Not because of the thing, itself, but because of the meaning wrapped up in it.

Nothing may go as planned in losing weight, dealing with HIV or just life in general, but we still have these small things.  These little bits of joy that can come into our lives if we let them.  If we recognize them.  When February comes & my year of exercise has passed, maybe I'll have lost 30 - 40 pounds, so be it.  Maybe it won't be the 50+ I wanted.  Still, I have each & every little pound gone that I did lose.  I have the new lines in my feet, I can see it in my face, my clothes are looser & my blood pressure is lower.

Some people say the Devil's in the details, others say its God.  Regardless of whose where, the details, the little things, make up life.  It's the proverbial smelling the roses along the way.  This process I'm going through  with my roomie to get to a point where we're thinner & healthier, is just that a process.  It's series of little steps & changes that in the end, will add up to something more.  Each step along the way is just as important as the other.  Each one brings us something, some lost point, some new unseen or new lesson learned.

The plan may go awry, but that doesn't mean your goal or your journey will.


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