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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Good Trip...

We had to go run some errands today.  I don't mind doing errands, but I get anxious about going all the way to Fort Smith, AR just to pick up somethings.   Normally, the drive is frustrating & we never find what we needed.  Then we have to drive home empty-handed & irritated.

All the stars must've lined up today, because this was a good trip.  We needed to hit a couple of  places.  I've gone to Michael's a lot, but I've never bought yarn there & figured it was at best a 50/50 shot.  PetCo was the next place & it is normally a disaster for us to try & get anything at this store.  As it turns out, they had what we needed & well-stocked. 

We got what we needed.  The drive was pleasant.  I got in some more walking.  All in all, it was a good trip.


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