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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In the USA, for the most part you have to give your consent to be tested for HIV.  There are a host of reasons why from privacy & to being in the right place to handle a possible + diagnosis.  There are steps to be performed before being tested for HIV.

This article goes into account of a woman that was tested without her consent under the guise of another medical test.  I support much more aggressive testing.  But, this not only ruined her trust in her physician, it also broke the law.  

This woman had been asked for permission to perform the test before & had denied it.  Later she was covertly tested.  She was informed she was + without any preparation or support.  This doctor & all those  knowingly involved should be prosecuted & lose their licenses.  

This woman was already physically unhealthy & stressed.  Then out of the blue this jack ass nonchalantly informs her, "Oh BTW you're +."  I'm sure it didn't go exactly like that, but it might as well have for all the negative impact it had on the woman.

She's suing the doctor.  I hope she wins & this arrogant ass of a physician is duly punished.   A person should be made aware of any & all tests to be performed on them, end of statement.


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