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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

DC Senior Talk...

I've blogged about the greying of the HIV before.  Many believe by 2015, over half the HIV + population will be 50 or older.   This article discusses a new tactic in Washington DC, that aims education & testing at seniors.  

According to this, seniors are far less apt to talk about STD's & if they do turn out to be +, they're diagnosed much later.  This late diagnosis increases their risks to already be suffering AIDS related illnesses & complications.  It also adds to the probability they've already further spread the virus.  

However, 1 in 5 of newly diagnosed HIV cases are people who are 50 & above.  These people have all the same risks as anyone else.  Many people, even other seniors, don't want to deal with the fact these people are still having sex.  Many of these people came from a generation when safe sex wasn't concept talked about to anyone other than sailors hitting risque ports of call.

I'm interested in how all this will pan out.


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