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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shaky Arms...

Did my 1st bit of yard work of the Fall.  Not much, thankfully the rechargeable battery on the weed eater doesn't last long.  I know that sounds counter productive & for most people it probably is.  However, after doing very little work I'm happy it's over.

  1. I ran the weed eater over an overgrown patch of mint
  2. I edged part of the drive
  3. I trimmed a few unruly limbs from bushes
  4. I sprayed weed killer along the drive
  5. I gleefully poisoned a large fire ant mound
  6. I replaced the tools & other things
After what amounted to about 20 - 30 minutes of work, my hands are weak & arms are shaking.  I get this every time I use power yard tools. It goes away in a bit, but it's always weird when it happens & I have to be careful how I hold things.  It isn't making typing all that much fun either.  So that's my day so far & this post has to come to an end.  


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