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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Losing Sunlight...

For some people losing sunlight can be problematic.  It can be an issue with seasonal mood disorder & a host of other Vitamin D deficient ailments.  For me, it's more a matter of timing.  I've lost my morning routine due to the lack of early morning light streaming in through my windows.  This light allowed me to slowly register it was morning & begin to wake up.

Now, that light is mostly absent & even though I wake up when I'm supposed I feel totally cheated.  Beyond that, I'm groggy & slow to get started.  This alters my entire morning & impacts the rest of my day.  Fortunately, Daylight Saving Time ends in a little over 3 weeks & I'll have more light again.

People often overlook & even dismiss the impact environmental factors can have on them & their well being.  Ambient light, noise, temperature, humidity, etc., these can all heavily influence your life & health.  Take time to notice how you react to such things.  When you're feeling off but don't know why, take stock of these factors & see if any of them are affecting you.  I know this lack of light is affecting me & I'll be very happy when the clock rolls back to give me my extra hour of sun in the morning.


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