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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Living On The Fringe...

This article that came out today goes over something I've covered before in this blog.   This piece talks about  how people who are farther removed from society are more negatively impacted by HIV than others.  Ethnicity, education, gender & income all have a huge impact on how likely your are to die from HIV.  The more marginalized a person is, the less likely they are to survive the virus.

Like it or not, we are not an integrated society.  Some groups are pushed to the edges & others choose to self-segregate.   Regardless of how they got there, many people live on the very cusp of society.  These people are the most at risk of dying from HIV &  likely, the most apt to spread the illness,  

When they say all men are created equal, what they really mean is, everyone is equal as long as they're:

  • Male
  • White
  • Of a mainstream religion
  • Reasonably educated
  • Reasonably affluent
  • Straight
The further a person is removed from those traits, the less "equal" they are.  I get it, resources are limited & you want them for you & yours, classic conflict theory.  Just do us the favor of not acting like we're all equal.  I'm sure I received better care than some lesser educated, person of color.  However, I'm also certain that  I received inferior care compared to some affluent, straight, white man.  Medicine should not be a place of inequality, but it is.


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