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Monday, April 30, 2012

No Kid Testing...

This article talks about the fact that children are mostly left out of medical trials.  This isn't that surprising.  Until recently most medical research was done on adult men.  They wouldn't even consider testing on a woman who might someday have a child.

The research talks about a host of illnesses where children make up 60+% of the victims, but constitute  less than 15% of the research samples.    This is not only stupid, it's very dangerous.  In the last decade or so, there have been several OTC children's meds recalled.   Some of the pain killers were far too potent & were killing kids.  While others, like some cold formulas, were useless.  If you know your medication will be used on a certain population, then it should be tested on that group of people.

Funny, if adult male medical research fails to always apply to adult women & has an even lower success rate with children, then why do we consider something like animal testing a good idea?   A little boy is basically genetically the same as an adult male, but medical research done on the adult is spotty for the child at best.  Given that, there's a lot more difference between a monkey & a child.  Just saying....


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