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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Not much of a post today.  I'm a little distracted.  One of our outdoor cats had to be taken to the vet today.  He has a pretty bad wound on his head.  The vet won't be able to tell me anything until later.  There is a possibility he may have to be put down.  Unless, the vet can treat him with an affordable shot, I won't be able to do anything else.  I can't afford it & he isn't the type of cat that's going to take to be given meds easily.  Not to mention, he doesn't show up consistently enough to try & medicate.  For now, I wait & see.


PS  -  Vet just called,  the cat has an abscess & he can be cleaned up.  He won't be happy when he wakes up though.  He's losing some parts.  The little indoor girl kitties will be happy.

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