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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letting Go & Moving On...

My roomie has a blog & in this entry she talks about inner drives; will, preservation, creation & destruction.  I've talked about letting go in this blog before.  I am trying to take hold of the backpack philosophy from the novel & movie Up In The Air.  

Lately we've been really cleaning the house & letting go of a lot of crap.  Junk I wasn't even aware was still there.  For the last 2 weeks our pile for the garbage men has been huge.   The point is that all this crap was in my life, taking up space & serving no purpose except to clutter up my home.  

This stuff was robbing me of space.  It was collecting dust full of allergens.  It was allowing vermin (fleas mostly) to hide from me.  The piles of stuff were crowding my life & stressing me out. The process has been a bit of a pain, especially to my sinuses, but it'll be worth it.  The place is already looking & feeling better & we're only about 2/3 of the way done.

Again, I ask, what can you let go of?  What's in your life just taking up space & giving nothing back?  Letting go of these things is a rather glorious process.  It literally feels like you're lightening your load.  Give it a try.


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