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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unsure About OraSure...

This article is about OraSure's at-home, quick result HIV test.  The details are in the article & will soon before the FDA for approval.  I'm torn on this.  I'm not talking about the ability of the test to work or even it's ability to work correctly.  I'm talking about the psychology of the matter.

Most people probably want anonymous testing.  I completely get that.  But tell me, what happens when this person is setting at home, alone & they find out they're +.  Alone, as in no one there to support them, no counseling, no guidance, no assurance.  

How many of these people will go into complete denial mode, destroy the test & act as if nothing ever happened?  How many of them will freak & go into, "Better-To-Burn-Out" mode & party themselves into oblivion?    How many will feel utterly overwhelmed & just kill themselves?

While I see the attraction to the easy at home test.  It could ensure more people get tested.  But, it could destroy a lot people as well.  & no, a phone # on the box to call for counseling does not suffice.  I get it, it'a move forward in testing.  I'm just not sure it will be worth the havoc it could bring.


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