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Friday, April 6, 2012

The Scarlet + ...

This article by Jeannie Wraight deals with the HIV perceptions, realities & stigma.  It's a good article.  However, I'm not sure it tells the whole story.  I'm not disputing her statements at all, I'm just expanding them.  

I live in small town Oklahoma & being + here is different than being + in some large metro area.  The resources, or lack thereof, are different.  The approaches to every aspect of HIV & it's treatment are different.  The level stigma in smaller, rural areas is usually going to be higher with all the gossip-mongers, do-gooders & holy-rollers & the like.

No more people in my area know I'm + than those that have cause to know.  I'm quite certain if I wasn't on disability, I wouldn't be able to support myself or tend to my medical needs.  I don't care how many niceties that were said to my face, I'm sure no one would hire me & damn sure no insurer would cover me.  It's hard enough to find a doctor or a dentist in these parts, let alone an employer that's going to look past my HIV status.  That doesn't even come close to dealing with the landlord situation.

What about discrimination laws, you ask?  First of all, did I mention I live in Oklahoma?  The legal system here on these matters leaves much to be desired.  Next, proving discrimination as reason that employment, benefits or residency were denied is damned near impossible. Stigma is still very present on these matters in areas like mine.  Between the ignorant, good-ole-boys & sanctimonious I'd be in cross-hairs 24/7.  Just because you want stigma, prejudice & discrimination to go away, doesn't mean it will.


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