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Monday, April 23, 2012


I've circled back to the front room & my room on the cleaning cycle.   I wasn't surprised it was going quicker than the last time, but I'd fooled myself into believing that it'd be less messy than it was.  It's been less than 2 weeks sense I'd dusted the shelves & TV.  I expected some dust & cat fur, but no the amount I found.  I guess I know the benchmark of the house now.  Whatever that may be, it was far easier dusting this time than it was the 1st time & I got to see a lot of things I'd missed the 1st pass through.

What does this have to do with HIV?  By keeping the house clean, I'm improving my environment.  I'm removing dust, dander, allergens & a host of who knows what else.   I'm making my house easier on me.  I can breathe easier.  There are less irritants to bother my eyes or make me sneeze.  My computers & fans will run better, which are both things I need.

Maintenance is a 4-letter word for many of us.  We like to do something & that be it, but that's not how most things work.  We have to keep up to date in our jobs.  We have to take the cars in for oils changes.  We have to replace air filters in our homes.  The same goes for our health.  We need a decent diet, some exercise & good sleep.  When it comes to HIV, we need to follow our regimens, see our doctors & keep up with labs.  Here's to maintaining.


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