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Friday, April 20, 2012

Staying Positive...

I read a lot of articles over HIV.  2 things always come to mind.  1st, these articles drive home how universal  & global this epidemic is.  2nd, no matter how many astounding articles I read over advancements, discoveries & triumphs involving HIV & those people living it, there are always those articles by jack-asses spreading misery.

I don't always talk about the global articles I read.  I try to keep it more local.  Though, sometimes the global articles are very relevant.   I do my best to steer clear of the political & smear articles.  They solve nothing & only add to the negativity already present in this world.  I don't need to add to it as well.  

I'm normally not all that Norman-Vincent-Pealeish, but I do believe your attitude effects your life & your health.  I do my best to stay away from the cites I know are just going to upset, frustrate or anger me.  I avoid conservative/religious crap like the plague.  I don't think those people believe half of what they say, they just like to rile people.  They do what they do for ratings, outrage & to cover up their own issues.

Here are some bits of advice I have on the matter....

  • George Bernard Shaw said, "Never wrestle with a pig... you get dirty & the pig likes it."
  • Robert Heinlein said, "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time & annoys the pig."
  • Most of all try to keep positive, it can only help you & bewilder those who would bring you down.

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