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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Short Post Baby Steps...

The post is going to be short today.  It's storming here in Oklahoma & the electricity has flickered once already.   So a short post it is.  

This one is about me & some baby steps I'm taking.  I've mentioned I've been watching my blood pressure for a bit.  I've decided there are some things I can do in my life before resorting to more meds.   I've been slowly changing my diet & adding some physical activity into my life, I refuse to call it by the "E" word.(Exercise)  Weirdly enough, I have this blog to thank somewhat for my choice to engage in this undertaking.

This blog reminded me that I'm a Virgo, dammit.  If I choose to embrace something in my life & not have it forced on me I can get used to just about any regimen.  I have blogged continuously for over 15 months now.  I can make a habit out of any thing, not that that's always such a good thing.

As important as it is for me to choose the new addition(s) in my life, they have to relatively unnoticeable at first.  The diet aspect about this has focused more positive rewards (introducing something good), instead of negative sanctions, (removing something).  I've cut back on the amount of junk food, but not removed it from my diet.  Instead, I have focused on eating much more fruit than I was.  Also, I have tried to make sure that I have a fairly plain, side salad with low cal dressing or vinegar & oil several times a week.  I have been more consistent with my vinegar lately.  Apple Cider Vinegar can work wonders for you, Google it.

Onto the activity part.  In February, I decided I can handle adding 5 minutes of movement to my daily roster.   Everyday, I got up & did a mix of little-kid wiggles, toe-touching, squats, walking in place & any thing else I could do in 5 minutes.  Even that was cause to be sore for the first couple of days, but I kept at it.  In March I added 5 - 8 minutes in the midday.  I'm doing mostly leg lifts, crunches & incline push-ups there.  In April, I added 5 minutes in the late afternoon, this is mostly floor work with reverse leg lifts & leg pumps.  In May I will added another 5 minutes across the board & so on in June, until I am up to 30 minutes a day of physical activity not already part of my daily routine.

I know, 5 minutes a day, woohoo, stop the presses.  I'm really good at the sarcasm & my favorite exercise is the eye-roll.  But I had to start somewhere & I knew if I started with too much, I'd quit in a heartbeat.  Now this physicality is becoming part of my routine.  Hopefully in a few months, it'll pay off.  I'll lose some weight & lower my blood pressure.  Here's to baby steps.  I guess this wasn't such a short post after all.


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