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Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Set Of Small Steps...

My roomie & I recently finished our 1st mega-Spring cleaning of the house.  Since then, we have begun to cycle back through it.  There were things that needed to be done in the house since we've moved in.  We either didn't feel well enough or felt overwhelmed by the prospect.  So, it never got done.

Finally, we agreed to allow ourselves a short bit of time everyday that we would allot to cleaning one thing or small area.  We mostly stuck with our plan, but some parts required more time.  Slowly we finished & it was probably the only way it was going to get done by us.  

Now, we're on the next cycle through the house, cleaning what we just cleaned.  We're finding two things.  Some things were no where near as clean as we thought that we'd gotten them the 1st time around.  In addition, we're also noting that what took us 10 minutes last time is taking just a couple this round.  We knocked out the first hard part & now we're on to maintenance.  This is how a habitual cleaning starts.

How does this relate to health or HIV?  When you're +, you often find yourself frustrated, tired & overwhelmed.  This approach is the way I've had to handle a lot things in my life.  I can either set back & let everything overwhelm me & do nothing.  Or, I can tackle a small part everyday as I can & muddle through it.  Some days I can't do even that & that's frustrating, but it's OK.  I'll do what I can as I can. This isn't a race.  This is about the proverbial one step at a time.


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