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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tat Danger...

This Australian article talks about the dangers of backyard tattooists.  These are people who perform tattoos in a non-professional & questionable sanitary levels.  Oh boy, look someone else is griping against tattoos.  No, not really, if you want a tat, get a tat, just get it from someone who isn't going to give you HIV, HepC, TB or who knows what else.

Many of these artist are reusing needles & failing to sterilize their equipment.  Every person's blood that needle has tattooed is now on that needle & can transmit whatever illnesses those people may have had.  Unsafe tattooing practices are just as dangerous as unprotected sex.

To save a bit of $, these people are willing to use tattoo artists who don't follow safety protocols.  That meager savings could leave them with a life threatening virus or a severely infected tattoo.  Won't that be pretty? Snark.


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