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Thursday, April 5, 2012


This article deals with  the same-old-same-old HIV issues running rampant in the Southern USA.  With the HIV transmission rate in the most the country leveling out, the South's rates are escalating.  The causes are simple.

  • Misconception on the spread of HIV
  • Misconception of who gets HIV
  • Stigma attached to HIV/STD's
  • Stigma attached to even thinking you have an STD
  • Risky sexual behavior
  • Refusal to be tested
This actually pisses me off.  The info has been there since the 1980's.   Some people still think as long as they don't do IV drugs & aren't a gay man, they can have all the unprotected sex they want & never have to worry about it.  BS!  This is the reason the rates in the South are on the rise.

Then there is this idea that they can cat around with every person in sight as long as they aren't a drug user or a gay man & it's OK.  However, just the thought they might have HIV or an STD is a source of stigma.  What's up with that?

I'm getting judgey, but this isn't news, HIV is decades old & the info is out there.  There are a ton of reasons   to explain away this risky behavior, but it doesn't matter.  No amount of reasoning will stop HIV.  No justifying will protect you from transmission.  The means to HIV prevention are pretty straight forward & delusional thinking, fairy tales & stubborn ignorance aren't on the list.


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