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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Rain But Warming...


The forecast is showing a lot of rain accompanied by a warming trend.  This is still Winter, so the warmer temps are mainly in the 50s.  That's better than the frigid temps we've been dealing with for the last week.

The cold, weird issues & low light have been trying for our household this last week.   We're getting through it, but hasn't been fun.  It'll be nice when things warm up some.  The little heater I use in my room is rough on my breathing & uses a lot of electricity.    This bill's usage will be higher.   If it does actually warm up, I'll need less of the heater.  That also means easier breathing.

I'm ready for Winter to move on.  I know we have until March, but that seems forever away at the moment.  I want warmer temps, more light & the time change.  I'm sure Spring will have it's own issues, but maybe it won't be freezing.

That's all for now, take care.


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