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Sunday, January 7, 2024

1st Week...


We made it through the 1st week of 2024.  Only 51 more to go.  There were some stressful hiccups, but overall it wasn't bad.  House bills are handled, we did shopping & trash, no one is sick, we even had an outing.  So, I'll take this week.  It may not be a winner, but it went well enough.  There were some issues, plans were made, the issues were resolved.  We didn't need the plans, but they were made.  So good for us. 

It's bright this morning.   Seriously cold weather is supposed to be heading our way soon.  I wish it wasn't, but that's Winter.

2024, we don't need tried every week with whatever the universe has.  We don't need testing every month or even every year.  We're good.  2023 caught us for quite some time.  I'm sure other people are in need of some serious testing.  Give them a go.


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