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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Freezing Hell Days...


I know other places get & are colder than us.  I also don't care.  That's not my problem.  My problem is the next several days that will never get above freezing.  Days of having the faucets run in hopes of staving off frozen pipes.  We're doing a grocery run in a bit.  It's supposed to snow later.

Normally, we'd shop tomorrow, but there could be snow on the roads.   Besides that, there won't be any mail due to MLK day.  I'm glad the mail couriers will mostly avoid the bad stuff, at least in my area.  

My only worry is getting through this without things screwing up.  The outdoor cats are staying mostly somewhere else.  I feed them when I can.   Right now leaving water out is almost useless.  It freezes pretty quickly.  I hope they have a warm place.  I don't know where they're holing up.  I've done what they'll let me.  

Take care & stay warm.


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