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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Anniversaries & New Years For My Blog & HIV...


I started this blog 13 years ago.  I'm surprised it & I are still going.  I guess I could've started earlier, but I wasn't in the headspace for it.  For a while I was still living with my last roommate.  His inconsideration wound up causing a lot of stress & issues.  When I did start living with my roomie, it took us a while to get things down.  Not that we didn't get along, but it was all new.  Patterns had to be developed so everything went as smoothly as possible.  When I look back at the beginning of this blog in some ways I was worse off medically & emotionally, but still a bit more hopeful about the future.   

On January 3, 2000 I was diagnosed with AIDS.  I've said before I probably had been + for some time, but the tests didn't catch it.  They said I might have 5 years.  I tested at such a level & was in such bad shape, I left HIV+ in the dust & went straight to AIDS.  Here it is 24 years later.   I won't say it's been easy, because it hasn't.  There are times when I wish the 5 years had been accurate.  Life with HIV on disability is stressful & can be pretty damned scary.  I guess I should feel gratitude, but I really don't.  This has not been a fun ride & nearly every step has had it's hard points.

I'm here & the blog's still going.  They're 13 & 24.  My blog is officially a teenager & my HIV can almost get decent insurance.  I don't know what this year will hold for myself, this blog or anything else.  I guess we'll see.  For now, thanks for reading my thoughts, reactions, highs & lows.  It's the closest thing to a record of me.  Even if only a couple of people ever look at it, at least someone will know it & I are/were here.

Happy Blog & HIV day to me.  Remember to acknowledge your milestones.  Take care.


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