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Monday, January 8, 2024

HIV Is Still Here...


Too often, I encounter this attitude that HIV is handled.  People act like it's no longer a threat to the health & welfare of people.  Often the people at risk don't don't fully comprehend the level of danger they're in regarding HIV.  There's too little testing, education & awareness efforts.

This article is about HIV in Arizona.   If you google the population of states & the number of HIV cases you find out a lot.  Arizona has has a population of roughly 7.5 million, while Oklahoma has just over 4.  However had Arizona had 22K+ HIV cases to Oklahoma's just under 7.  The point of the matter is HIV hasn't gone anywhere & this year showed the largest jump in new diagnosis in Arizona.  

It says there were 975 new cases of HIV/AIDS in Arizona that year, compared with 852 the year before. That’s a 14% increase, and the highest total ever — eclipsing the previous high of 940 new cases in 1988.

Besides just an jump in HIV transmissions, they also credit the rise to a significant increase in testing, 19%.  Finding the highest number of new cases among the state's  Hispanic population.  The same can be said of many states.  The more fringe the group, socially, ethnically, racially, etc.. the higher the HIV rates are apt to be.

HIV is still here.  It is still a threat.  It can only be handled by mass testing, education, awareness & treatment.  There needs to be community involvement, recognition & acceptance if there's to be any chance of dealing with HIV in marginalized groups.

This was a short but informative piece.  Give it a look.  Take care.


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