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Friday, January 26, 2024

None For You...


For most of my life, I've never felt I was the intended audience or target of any beneficial actions or possibilities.  It was annoying, but I learned to live with it & make what I could the things available.  Then something happened & I was the target audience.  I found out I was HIV+ & I was Gay.   Woohoo, for once I was in the focus group.  Even if it was for something horrible like HIV. 

The purpose of this blog was for me to record my life & experiences being HIV+ while living in a rural area.  This has never been easy.  At 1st, it was mainly just the rural concept that was the problem.  The research hardly ever considered such areas.  If it did, the works concerned the deep South or other countries.   Basically still not applicable to my situation.  I could count the number of articles aimed at Oklahoma on my fingers.  I'd need just a hand, if it was focused more on rural Oklahoma.  That's less than 10 pieces out of 13 years of daily blogging. 

Now, I'm no longer the focus of even HIV.  It's shifted to racial/ethnic groups.  And there's always the boatload of works over transgender women.   Funny, I hardly ever see anything over trans men or women.  I suppose if you were an mixed race, homeless, drug using, transgender street walker, you'd be the optimum focus group.

Maybe that sounds hateful.  Maybe there is some disdain.  But it really isn't at the trans groups.  It's at all the people who keep politicizing & fracturing the fight against HIV.  I shouldn't be surprised.  This is what happens to every social group & movement.   They splinter into the tiniest of niche groups & then scream when the movement focuses on the original core.

There are lots of articles on trans & racial issues.   They won't be covered here.  That's not the point of this blog & there's a host of trend chasers covering those matters.   I wonder what those groups will do when the focus is no longer on them.


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